
Emergency Exit – The Beast

Game Type: Online (Avatar)
Location: Ashton Under-Lyne
Game Date: 19/01/2020
Team: Amy, Ian, Gord, Liz, Charlie & James
Duration: 90 minutes


“Deep in the forest of Crowley Manor lies a secret as dark as the house itself; maybe even worse?

There’s a cabin in the woods with a legend of the supernatural. Long abandoned, there have been strange sightings and many people have disappeared, as reported in the news over the years, never to return.

You should NOT enter! The question is… can you escape part 2 of the Crowley Manor story? There’s lots of puzzles to solve before you can. It is our most interactive experience”

Continuing the spooky theme, The Beast starts off in an abandoned kids room, insanly creepy, with dolls that lurk and watch over you as you make your way around the space. It is very atmospheric and the creepiness makes it was over the threshold of the screen.
Deeper into the game the scenery takes on and ever darker tone, whilst not being terrifying for us personally, I can see some players getting thoroughly spooked by the game.

Emergency Exit uses video seamlessly within The Beast, with cut scenes flowing perfectly from the live feed. The story was coherant and I’d love to say it came to a final conclusion but NO… Emergency Exit have left us on a cliff-hanger again, waiting for part 3!

A thoroughly enjoyable game, that pushes the limits of what is acheivable online to bring a professional, theatrical and slick experience.

Game Play:
A linear game, that had a good array of puzzles all that worked well without an inventory system (This is a stand out feature of The Beast, as the lack of inventory makes the game much more immersive as your entire focus is on the camera feed)
Puzzles were a good mix of searching, physical, word, codebreaking, interactive and teamwork.
With The beast, the puzzles felt like a excellen add on to what is a fantastic, creative story that captures you and keeps the pressure on throughout the game. The puzzles were essential to futhuring the story, but didn’t take the focus off, there was a certain symbiosis to the story & puzzles.
The puzzles were all perfectly logical and solveable with wondeful ah-ha moments that delighted us and were quite satisfying
The signposting was immaculate, and there were no points of that game that intentionally left the players high and dry.
Flow was excellent, with the all encompassing story pushing us forward at all times, creating a punchy, slick and fast paced game.

Clue System:
Clues would have been subtley injected within the games narrative

Game Host:
Our game host this time was James, he had erm… done away with Ronnie and was quite eager to lead us on this demonic journey! He ran the game with skill and good humour.

Connection and Video:
Camerawork was skillfully taken care of and we never experienced and lag, or shaky/blurry footage.

Did we escape?
Yes, in about an hour

Website: https://e-exit.co.uk/index.php
£100 per team (up to 6 connections)

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