
Product Review – The Split by Puzzle Post

Product Review – The Split by Puzzle Post

Now, it’s no secret that I am a big fan of Puzzle Post, who really do fly under the radar (they shouldn’t) but produce some excellent, quality products as you can see by our reviews of The Dupe and The Missed Flight. When Bobbie contacted me to take a crack at The Split, I was excited and of course, was chomping at the bit to play!

Puzzle Post arrives, inconspicuously enough in a plain brown envelope, but what lies within is a high-quality product indeed, There is, as with the other puzzle post games (and fairly cemented in their style now) 7 puzzles to crack each giving a 2 digit code. The real skill in the game design of Puzzle Post is that the puzzles can be tackled in any order, and part of the fun is figuring out which puzzle is which and what number puzzle it is! This is such an interesting and fun mechanic that is backed up by a “checker” on the website, so you can see if each individual part is correct with no penalties to your game at all

As you can see from the photo, there is plenty of content packed into The Split, and this is where Puzzle Post shine, the quality of the items is second to none, and these little trinkets, cards, flyers and everything else in between give a real sense of immersion to the game, although you are searching through the real artefacts.
I have been incredibly impressed with this for each and every game I have played, and it’s this attention to detail, world and character building that takes Puzzle Post from a simple “game in an envelope” to an interactive, immersive adventure.

The gameplay in puzzle post is a lot of fun, in the design of the pack, realism comes first and the answers, solutions and puzzles themselves are woven deep into the fabric of the game, revealing intrinsically through the media and forming sometimes out of nowhere.
Puzzles types are wide-ranging and focus on decoding, observation, searching, sleuthing and some light physical work.
Each and every puzzle is a joy to solve, and for those wanting a little more of a challenge, The Split has ramped it up a little to make a slightly harder game (difficulty is subjective, however!)
The puzzles are logical and fair, and whilst a puzzle may seem “out there” at first glance, once the solution is sought and found, and all becomes clear there are moments of “why didn’t I think of that” abound! (The good kind, however, where the answer is staring you in the face but you just didn’t click on, I’ve no doubt that will happen to most players!)
Signposting is provided, subtle and completely in theme with the game, some “reading between the lines” can be useful to get the most of the signposting within the game.
Flow is good, with no unnatural sticky bits and a good pace within the game.

All things said and done, The Split is a fantastic game, with bags of content and some meaty puzzles all provided in an immersive world. A perfect gift to send to a fellow enthusiast, as Puzzle Post lets you tailor the ending of the game specifically to the person who is playing it, a lovely interactive and bespoke touch that isn’t available in a lot of games.

Puzzle post costs £12.99 (honestly, an absolute BARGAIN for the quality and standard of the game) and is available from https://www.puzzlepost.uk/shop

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